In this episode of 101 Questions Church Planters Ask, host Danny Parmelee explains what to do when no one shows up to your church plant events and services.
Here are a few highlights from this episode:
I want to burn into the hearts and minds of everyone listening right now that Jesus is the most important launch team member that you have and you need to know that He is at every launch team meeting, every Sunday service, every outreach, and and every volunteer meeting. And if He’s the ONLY one that shows up…that’s ok because Him being there is the most important.
Guilt has high results… for SHORT-TERM motivation. After a while, people won’t respond to guilt: and what you do is drive them away.
And a few key takeaways:
- Know that Jesus is with you every step of the way.
- Pay more attention to who is in the room with you, than who isn’t.
- Follow up with people with a pastoral bent, and avoid using guilt.